home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ; DESC: Provides help to the user for all programs V1.03
- ; linking to the help module and following the
- ; specified format
- ; IN: *{DS} value passed to data segment at start of main program
- ; *{HELP} location of help data
- ; OUT: *{SEG_VAL} segment and
- ; *{OFFSET} offset of parameter string
- ; *{LENGTH} length of parameter string
- ; ##################################################################
- HELP? Segment Para Public 'HELPINFO'
- DB 0DH,0AH,' '
- DB ' H E L P O P T I O N S '
- DB 0DH,0AH,' '
- DB ' '
- DB 0DH,0AH,' '
- DB 'blank line..............This Information '
- DB 0DH,0AH,' '
- DB '/l......................licences and Subroutines '
- DB 0DH,0AH,' '
- DB '?.......................Program Parameters '
- DB 0DH,0AH,' '
- DB ' '
- HELP? Ends
- HELPD Segment Para Public 'HELPDATA'
- SNAME DB 'CoreTechs'
- HELPD Ends
- Extrn PUSHALL:Near
- Extrn POPALL:Near
- Extrn TEXT_WRT:Near ;writes text to screen.
- Extrn PARM_GET:Near ;gets parameters.
- Extrn CLEAR:Near ;clears the screen.
- Extrn CURS_SET:Near ;sets the cursor position.
- Extrn SEARCH:Near ;search for licences.
- HELPC Segment
- Public HELP
- Include CALLM.MAC ;include macro.
- ;notice.
- DB 'HELP - V1.03, Copyright 1987, CoreTechs ',0DH,0AH
- HELP Proc Near
- Call PUSHALL ;save registers.
- Pop AX ;help information.
- Pop BX ;initial data area.
- Mov DI,CX ;save end of program mark.
- Callm PARM_GET,<BX>,<ES,BP,CX> ;get input parameters.
- Mov DS,AX
- Call CLEAR ;clear screen.
- Jcxz RQ1 ;program options.
- Cmp ES:BYTE PTR[BP],'?' ;request for options.
- Jnz RQ20 ;test other options.
- Jmp RQ0
- RQ20: Cmp ES:WORD PTR[BP],'l/' ;print licences and subs.
- Jz RQ200
- Jmp OK
- RQ200: Jmp RQ2 ;gets around relative jump.
- RQ1: Callm TEXT_WRT,<0,0,HELP?,0,402>, ;print possible options.
- Jmp OUT
- RQ0: Callm TEXT_WRT,<DS:[0],DS:[2],DS:[6],DS:[4],DS:[8]>,
- OUT: Callm CURS_SET,<1800H,0>,
- Mov AH,4CH ;exit program.
- Int 21H
- OK: Push CX ;return input parameters.
- Push BP
- Push ES
- Call POPALL ;recover registers.
- Ret
- RQ2: Mov AX,0
- Push AX ;save dummy.
- ;search for licence marks.
- RQ21: Pop BX ;save
- Callm SEARCH,<0,CS,BX,9,HELPD,0>,<AX,BX>
- Add BX,30H ;move past licence.
- Push BX
- Sub BX,30H
- Cmp AX,0 ;if AX and BX are 0 then
- Jz TST2 ;no more licences were found.
- Jmp DISP1
- OUT2: Pop AX ;release BX.
- Jmp OUT
- TST2: Cmp BX,0
- Jz OUT2
- DISP1: Cmp CS:WORD PTR[BX+12],0A0DH ;verify licence.
- Jnz RQ21
- Mov CS:WORD PTR[BX+12],2020H ;modify licence to
- ;not match again.
- Sub BX,22H ;display licence n.
- Mov DX,BX
- Add DX,30H
- Callm TEXT_WRT,<0,1800H,AX,BX,DX>,
- Mov AX,0601H ;move screen up one
- Mov CX,0 ;line to prepare for
- Mov DX,184FH ;display of next licence.
- Mov BH,07H
- Int 10H ;execute screen move.
- Jmp RQ21
- HELP Endp
- HELPC Ends
- End